Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My "other" blog

Check out It's a blog dedicated to military girlfriends and fiancees. There is so much information dedicated to military wives, so this site is dedicated to those of us who love our military men, but aren't married to them yet. I'm very excited to announce that I am a new blogger for the site. I posted my first article (about the day I met my soldier) so be sure to check it out and let me know what you think! I am really looking forward to helping out other military girlfriends and fiancees if I can. Also, follow @FollowingGIJoe on Twitter for more updates.

I'll still be posting on here about my boring everyday life (lol) since the other one is strictly military related. Even if you aren't linked to a military man, check it out. It's going to be awesome :)


  1. i went and read your post ! super cute :) lmk when you blog over there .. bc i will prob forget to check it often .

  2. I definitely will! Thank you for checking it out :) I'm working on another post for it tonight, but I probably won't post until tomorrow.
